Mazel Tov! It’s a girl! Ok…now how do you do this again? I echo the feelings of Renee Muller. Writing a cookbook is truly like having a baby. It takes nine months of work, from when you start working earnestly until the manuscript ships off to print (even if all the recipes have been developed…
Baby & Toddler
Why Do We Ask Children Questions They’re Too Young to Answer?
Parents often give their children too much choice. Keep the choices and questions age-appropriate. By Toby Brecher This week, I heard my niece ask her 4-month-old, “Do you want to eat?” The better statement may have been, “Now it’s time to eat.” It wasn’t a question; she was going to feed the baby at that…
How to Swaddle a Baby
Wrap that baby tight! Learn step-by-step instructions for making the perfect swaddle from Artscroll’s new release, Baby’s First Year By Rochel Istrin, RN from Baby’s First Year The Baby’s First Year, by veteran nurse Rochel Istrin, RN, is the Jewish mother’s complete resource for any questions related to their baby’s development, following the baby from…
Why I Give Birth at Home
One mother explains why she prefers to forgo the hospital during childbirth Well, why not?! Joking aside, of course, I’d go to the hospital in case of emergencies (chas v’shalom)… childbirth doesn’t fall under those categories! If there’s a medical issue in the process of my prenatal care or birth, I’d go to the hospital…
How to Pack Lunch and Convert Picky Eaters
I didn’t expect a bento box to be the solution for my picky eaters. I grew up eating everything that was served to me. Lox, spinach, broccoli, asparagus…all vegetables actually. Every type of fish or cheese too. Since day one. The term “picky eaters” was something completely foreign to me. Everyone in my family ate…