Hey girls–no worries. This is a great trick for keeping your skirt in place while on a bike. In my work training people (ok, mostly children) to ride a two-wheeler bicycle, I get to enjoy the thrill of confidence when a rider picks up speed and independently rides off, wind in face. And then, the…
How to Teach a Child to Ride a Bike
Maybe this post will give away some trade secrets of my bike coaching business, but if it can encourage happy and confident riders, I am ready to share! There are no don’ts when it comes to riding a bike, just do’s: Know that the child wants it. I always try to start my coaching sessions with…
Echoes of Rabbi Wallerstein’s Words
What I learned from the most memorable of Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein’s zt”l shiurim. I am nowhere near able to capture or summarize who was Rabbi Wallerstein, what he did, nor even what we learn from him and the scope of what we have lost. I am just compelled to share some notes from my files…
Pesach Slow Cooker Pot Roast
Even if you haven’t yet koshered your kitchen, you can still begin prepping for Pesach using your slow cooker. Let’s start with this roast! Cooking for a holiday, even in large quantities, does not need to be super time-consuming. How do you start if you don’t have a Pesach kitchen or haven’t yet koshered your…
8 Easy Ways to Teach Your Children Gratitude
It’s amazing what kids can absorb about gratitude when they learn by example. Give Beyond Your Friends and Family. When giving gifts (such as Chanukah or mishloach manos or anytime throughout the year) to teachers, friends, and family, remember the people like the plumber, the store clerks, the handyman, and the neighbor whose kitchen you…