5 Days. 2 adults. 4 kids. 15 meals. No kitchen. Seriously? Yes, seriously. Hotel cooking is doable, all you need is a bit of planning and a sink. Also a sandwich maker. Maybe an electric burner. Preferably a hot water kettle.And, of course, a Betty Crocker. But there’s a whole separate post devoted to that….
slow cooker
Crock-Pot Chicken and Potatoes
Because, some days, you need to leave your house knowing that dinner will be waiting for you when you walk through that door. Coming home, after being out working all day, to a cooked dinner, sounds like the solution to all problems. Right? If we could just nail dinner, we would be fine. And true,…
Pesach and Shabbos
What do you serve on Chol Hamoed Shabbos on Pesach? When Pesach Chol Hamoed Shabbos falls at the end of a three day Yom Tov, it’s a tricky one. When it’s another Yom Tov, it’s simple–you simply put up your regular cholent and you’re good to go. But what do you serve on Pesach to…
Crock-Pot Overnight Potato Kugel Hack (Freezer Version)
The easiest way to get a fresh overnight potato kugel on Yom Tov. We can’t believe we’re sharing another overnight kugel recipe, but when we heard there’s a new “Chantzy W hack” we knew we were going to be making it this Pesach–and of, course, we’d have to share it with you. What are the…
Flanken Roast Over Potatoes
The recipe is so easy and so good, you’ll make it over and over and will never have to look back at this recipe again! For awhile, I was obsessed with preparing another recipe on Between Carpools, this 9×13: Slow Cooked Minute Steaks and Yukon Gold by Esty Wolbe. Yes, we’d change up the cut…
UPDATED! 26 Kosher Slow Cooker or Crock-Pot Dishes You Will Love
Get dinner on the table with these great kosher recipes around the web! UPDATED! We first published this post in the early days of Between Carpools, back in 2016. It quickly became the #1 post on Google when you search “kosher slow cooker” (or “kosher slow cooker recipes”). Slow cooker and Crock-Pot recipes really come in handy…
Tangy Pulled Baby Chicken Crock-Pot Sandwiches
Make a sauce. Dump it in the pot. And come home to dinner. Here at Between Carpools, we do have a nice selection of recipes you can make in your Crock-Pot. Not tons, but a bunch. But you always need more. Like we said in this popular slow cooker roundup, slow cooker recipes are hard…
This Gluten Free Beef Risotto Can Become Your New Cholent
Easier on the stomach even for those who don’t have a gluten free diet, this risotto still has the classic Shabbos taste! We got this recipe from our friend who got it from her friend, who got it from her friend who created it because she wanted a lighter cholent. While some of us were…
How to Make Victoria’s Hamin-Inspired Cholent
This cholent, inspired by a Moroccan Hamin, combines the best of both worlds! A bit over one year ago, I asked you all for your cholent ideas in this post and you all shared so many variations! Personally, my family was ready for something new and I had an invitation to experiment. One of the recipes I…
How to Make the Famous Kleiman Cholent
How we even have this cholent written down is also a story! When Between Carpools asked me for my family’s cholent recipe (apparently, it’s known to be an amazing cholent), I happened to have a copy of the recipe that was written down by hand years and years ago. Awhile back, one of the young…