I learned this tip when I was a kallah a lot of years ago. I’m surprised more people don’t know about it. Are you still putting your hair up in a ponytail under your wig? Does the “bump” bother you? There’s a better way. Get rid of the hair elastic and get a package of…
How to Wash Your Wig At Home
There’s nothing like a freshly washed wig – especially in the summer! Summer and wigs don’t go so well together. Sweaty days, open car windows, barbecues and bonfires all quickly add up to a wig that feels and smells stale. But how often can you give it in to be washed? The time and money…
How Do I Deal With My Tangled Wig All Winter?
Coats, hoods and beanies – the tangling in winter makes our wigs so difficult to maintain. We found a winning solution! If you wear a wig in winter, chances are you know how bad the tangling can get. If you spend a lot of time in a wig and in a coat at the same…
13 Most Important Products for Styling Hair and Wigs
Whether you’re a do-it-yourselfer or beginner, when it comes to all things hair, these are the best products I love to use.
How Do I Stop My Wig from Slipping Back?
Do you always feel like your wig is slipping back? Or, you don’t like wearing bangs wigs because the bangs don’t stay in the middle of your forehead? Yes yes, I know the solution is a wig grip. We mentioned the wig grip in this post about 4 wig hacks. But I’m super sensory and…
How to Pack a Sheitel for Travel
Remember the days people took wig boxes as hand luggage? They were bulky, hard to carry, and someone always left the boxes sitting somewhere. Thankfully that’s a thing of the past. With many sheitels these days set naturally, we aren’t busy pinning, rolling in curlers or worrying that our sheitel won’t be set like the…
Wait! Don’t Unpack Your Luggage! These Are the Items That Should Stay There
There are some items we don’t ever unpack, because we never want to travel without them. In our family, each member has their own personal small piece of luggage. This is the luggage used for any short trips – overnight at a friend, Shabbos at grandparents, or a quick business trip. And in each suitcase…
Best Travel Solution For Wigs
We found the perfect stand for your wig that takes up just about no space in your suitcase. You get to your destination, you unpack your bags and you’re finally ready to take off your wig. But where are you putting it? Chances are, at some point you’ve draped your wig over a hotel lamp….
4 Wig Hacks and Product Tips from the Pros.
Can your wig use a little fix? These are 4 ways you can make it work on your own. Caring for your wig at home can be confusing and sometimes downright terrifying. You might get stuck on what products to use, which things are “safe” to attempt on your own, and which should be left…
How to Care for Your Wig During the Winter
In this dry winter season, what do our wigs need to look their best? Let’s talk about winter. Each season brings its new challenges in caring for our wigs. In the winter, there’s dryness, but lots of static and knotting as a result of the clothing we wear. What are the solutions? Use a humidifier…