There’s no cutting out circles. Cut these easily and have amazing square donuts ready all the quicker. Make them dairy or make them pareve. At our Chanukah content meeting, Renee asked, “What doughnut recipe will we be sharing on this year?” And I responded, “Renee. We have sooo many donut recipes on BetweenCarpools. (Not…
Make from Scratch or Need a Hack? The Ultimate Chanukah Donut Roundup
Whether you spell it doughnut or donut, or whether you buy, make from scratch, or something in between, Hanukkah won’t pass without them landing on your table. There’s a perfect donut option for you below. Raise your hand if you make homemade doughnuts? This may be the most polarizing question we’ve asked on BCP. You…
Dairy Donuts with Chocolate Cream Cheese Filling
Fill your store-bought donuts up with this cream cheese mousse for the most gourmet, delicious, dairy results. On Between Carpools, there’s lots of donuts that you can make from scratch. You can go with the favorite Yeshiva Donuts or Naomi TGIS’s Sufganiot. There’s also great hacks for making your donut dough in advance and freezing…
How to Freeze Doughnut Dough & Fry Fresh
We have a few recipe categories that we revisit often, including challah, potato kugel and doughnuts. What they all have in common is that they are three of the most popular Ashkenaz traditional foods. Recently someone interviewed me and asked me why I think traditional food on Chanukah is so important. Aside from the meaning…
Donut Machine Donuts
For the past few years we’ve posted so many donut recipes to suit every type of donut maker! From 5 minute quick donuts… To the famous BCP Yeshiva Doughnut… To the even more famous Naomitgis Sufganiyot… To the yummy and easy Babka Donuts… And even baked Apple Cider Doughnuts… However we’ve always wanted to share…
Change Up Your Donut By Changing the Sugar
The type of sugar you roll your donut in makes all the difference. Ever since we posted our Yeshiva Donuts back in 2018, they’ve been a runaway favorite by our readers – and in our own homes. Every Chanukah, we make a batch or three. Last year was no different. Except we had a British friend drop…
The Donut Makeover: The Easy Way to Make a Fancy Donut
This is how to take a humble donut from simply “yum” to “Wow!” in 30 seconds. Decorating donuts has never been easier! Whether you opt for these delicious store-bought fillings (yep, you can order them ready-made!) or this homemade and delectable pastry cream, you will be taking your donuts to a whole new level. It…
How to Make Homemade Dairy Pastry Cream
You might even have all the ingredients to make this dairy pastry cream already in your house! If you’re the DIY type, or if you love all things fresh, real, and dairy, you may want to make dairy pastry cream yourself! Last year, reader Ella Ritri shared that she made our yeshiva donuts THREE times over Chanukah….
These Yummy Things Are Called “Fake-It Churros”
All you need are some pizza dough rounds, cinnamon and sugar, and a sauce to enjoy them with! I love frying. Truly love it. But since I do try to cook most things in moderation I don’t pull out the fryer that much. Come Chanukah and my small, cheap, and powerful fryer sits on the…
Basics: Make Donut Glaze and Decorate ‘Em Yourself
Sure, you can buy donuts that are ready to go. But, if you decorate donuts yourself, it’s even more fun. Get out that food coloring that you hide way high up in the pantry and all those toppings. They’ll enjoy these donuts more than any other they’ll have over Chanukah (because it’s so much fun…