Because we finally figured out how to serve it without it looking like a sloppy mess. Did you ever wonder how to serve an overnight potato kugel without losing your Hungarian balebusta reputation? Ok fine, let’s not exaggerate. But also, these things really matter to me. I will not cook or serve something that isn’t…
Pesach and Shabbos
What do you serve on Chol Hamoed Shabbos on Pesach? When Pesach Chol Hamoed Shabbos falls at the end of a three day Yom Tov, it’s a tricky one. When it’s another Yom Tov, it’s simple–you simply put up your regular cholent and you’re good to go. But what do you serve on Pesach to…
Potato Kugel in the Betty Crocker
Get potato kugel really quickly (and really crispy) in your Betty Crocker. We’ve been bitten by the Betty Crocker pizza maker bug and love sharing our Betty Crocker “recipes” (recipes in quotes because you don’t really need a recipe for most of the Betty Crocker cooking. Let’s start with the basics. The Betty Crocker pizza maker (or just…
How to Make an Overnight Potato Kugel
No, this is not the same as your standard potato kugel. But overnight kugel is a classic and it’s easy to learn the technique. There are a few topics we talk about often on BCP. I take full responsibility for some of those. They include pizza, schnitzel and kugel…and they’re things our families simply never…
How to Make Your Potato Kugel Super Elegant
You’re making potato kugel anyway – so why not make it special? I’ve spoken about potato kugel a lot on this site. We started with basics – how to make the best. We discussed freezing it here, and even a twist called kugel bites as a side dish. Renee Muller shared how to make yapchik…
How Many Ways Can You Enjoy Potato Kugel?
Kugel bites is the new version of kugel to try and love. When I started writing cookbooks I didn’t think it would be possible to have a pizza recipe in every single cookbook. But somehow I managed. I’ve written about regular pizza, thin crust, 30-minute crust, dessert pizza, deep dish…to those that enjoyed each one…
Yapchik. With a Name Like That It Better Be Good.
And it is! Here’s the story of how I came to do it right. Yapchik: literal translation: potato kugel with a layer of meat in it. Not so literal translation: serious Jewish comfort food. For years the mere thought of Yapchik made me queasy. I might have tasted one that was way too heavy, or…
Can I Freeze Potato Kugel?
3 ways to reheat potato kugel so no one knows you froze it. Yes, you can freeze potato kugel. Don’t want to be busy peeling, shredded, and baking on Friday morning? Here’s how you can freeze potato kugel and prep it in advance with no one the wiser. Option 1: Remove from the freezer the night…
Leah’s Yom Tov Shtreimel Kugel. Plus! What Really Makes the Best Potato Kugel
Best Kugel Tips + Kugel Recipe + Two Ways to Prepare an Overnight Kugel There is nothing in the world like a good piece of fresh potato kugel. It seems like everyone has “their” secret tricks to making their best potato kugel the best. Those tips might include techniques like heating the oil, grating by…